Quiz question 6 (19/05/2023) - Degree Correlations

The degree correlation function depicted in the following figure (shown in purple) is derived from a Bianconi-Barabási model with parameters N = 10,000, m = 3, and a uniform fitness distribution:
(Extracted from Albert-László Barabási book)

    Please choose the accurate statement regarding this figure:

  1. This network exhibits a neutral nature due to the presence of structural cutoff phenomena.
  2. The network cannot be classified as disassortative since randomizing the network while maintaining the same degree distribution produces a similar behavior, as the orange dots (Randomized R-S).
  3. While this network displays some disassortativity, it is not pronounced primarily due to structural cutoff.
  4. This network does not exhibit any structural cutoff phenomena. 
  5. none of above
Original idea by: Anderson Nogueira Cotrim


  1. Replies
    1. Yes professor, letter E. As this figure was extracted from the book, it was my intention build wrong sentences about it.


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